Adding peanut products to meals reduces blood sugar levels after eating

Blood sugar levels rise when you eat carbohydrates. The glycaemic load indicates how sharp the blood sugar elevation caused by various foods will be. The higher the value, the faster the carbohydrates in the food get into the blood, and the higher the blood sugar level will rise. High glycaemic loads are associated with the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. A team of researchers at Arizona State University investigated whether adding peanut products to meals – without changing the other ingredients – can moderate the rise in blood sugar levels. Eleven healthy study participants were given two different test meals. The first was a bagel and juice, which had a glycaemic load of 81; the second was chicken and rice, which had a lower glycaemic load of 48. Blood sugar levels were measured 60 minutes after eating. The result? When peanut products were added to the two test meals, the blood sugar levels of the study participants rose by 55% less. The only results that are of scientific significance for the researchers are those relating to the meal with the high glycaemic load. The conclusion: adding peanut products to meals with a high glycaemic load results in a significantly reduced elevation of blood sugar levels.





Johnston CS. et al.: Vinegar and peanut products as complementary foods to reduce postprandial glycemia. J Am Diet Assoc., Dec 2005; 105(12):1939-42.