
A small group of people suffers from peanut or nut allergy. The reaction to a nut or peanut allergy differs from person to person. It may vary from irritation of the skin to an anaphylactic shock that can display symptoms in the form of respiratory problems and heart complications. Small children may “get over” an allergy, especially allergies to eggs and cow’s milk. However, allergies to peanuts and nuts are usually permanent. That is the reason why product information is very important.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system. In general, the reaction is caused by a protein. If an unwanted protein enters our body, the body will react strongly by creating an extreme quantity of antigens to combat the protein. This may result in a wide variety of reactions including, for example, irritation of the skin.

Listing on the label

Since November 2005 a new food labelling regulation has been in force in the European Union (EU). There is a list of 14 substances that may create allergic reactions. If one of these substances is present in the product, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate this on the label. In this way, people who suffer from an allergy can check labels to see whether they should use the product or not. In case of any doubt, they can always call the manufacturer.

Most manufacturers put an allergy list on their packaging


Did you know...

Long trip ahead of you? Take a packet of peanuts and nuts with you. They are nice and filling and stay fresh for a long time.

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