Getting active

Activity is good for everyone, young and old! An active lifestyle makes you feel healthier, happier and more relaxed. And of course it gets your body in shape. It has a positive effect on all sorts of processes in your body. And even more with a healthy diet.

Start to move

Do you find it hard to stay active during your day? Take a look at your daily habits and think about some small changes. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator for example. Or going out for a walk during lunchtime. Together or alone. Enjoying the exercise is the first step.

An active lifestyle

makes you feel happier,

healthier and more relaxed

Activity standards

You get enough exercise if you are active for at least 30 minutes per day for a minimum of 5 days per week. Children need to exercise for a minimum of 60 minutes every day. It is not necessary to be active for 30 (or 60) minutes at a time. A minimum of 5 minutes is enough to make your heart work faster. This means that 3 periods of 10 minutes’ exercise will also do the job. Riding your bike or taking a brisk walk counts. Or you could go to the gym for some exercise.

Did you know...

A healthy lifestyle means balanced nutrition and enough exercise.

Read more

Small snack before exercise

Feel like some exercise, but don’t feel like eating an entire meal? Before you start, eat a handful of peanuts or nuts to fight that hungry feeling. They give you that extra bit of energy, so that you really enjoy your exercise. Because of their low glycemic index they give you energy for a long period of time. Do not forget to drink enough during your activity and eat lots of fruit and vegetables during the day!

Recommended activity

Adults: Minimum 5 days a week 30 minutes

Children: Every day 60 minutes